Abstract soft blue gradient background with a scientific theme, featuring subtle outlines of laboratory glassware and floating bubbles.

How to Choose the Right Technology Contractor and Avoid the Bad Ones?


At times, we come across clients who have had less than satisfactory experiences with their third-party technology contractors. Understandably, not everyone may have prior experience in the IT industry, so confronting expectations with reality can bring all sorts of surprises. There can be various reasons for choosing the wrong partner. The purpose of this article is to facilitate the process of vetting third-party contractors and to assist in better communication and understanding of the essential elements involved in working on an IT project. We hope that this guide will aid you in finding the right software house that comprehends your requirements, and in preparing better for collaboration.

To begin, it's important to recognize that working on an IT project involves a multitude of variables. Sometimes it's not the case that only one party is to blame. Misunderstandings can occur, not only in software development but in almost every aspect of our lives. Effective communication is key to successful collaboration. Therefore, it's essential to establish a shared understanding of the basics that could potentially impact the relationship between the client and the software house, and prevent complications down the road.

Balancing deadlines and budgets

Before we dive into the key indicators and areas of collaboration that require the utmost attention, let's begin with what typically results in dissatisfaction on the client's end - missed deadlines. Let's play devil's advocate for a moment, by siding a bit more with technology contractors. However, rest assured that we will also discuss the shortcomings of technology contractors in the following paragraphs.

It's the project contractor's responsibility to schedule the work in a way that ensures the timely delivery of a product within a specified budget. However, clients are often unaware of how much time it takes to finish an IT project. Combining "cheap" with "fast" is a challenge. Some aspects cannot be rushed, especially if the client frequently changes their mind or extends the acceptance period for individual stages of the work. Every fix translates into more hours of work for developers. As changes pile up on an "almost finished product," more attention is required to ensure the code is correct. Teams working on a product often find it hard to refuse clients' requests for changes, and projects can drag on for months. It's crucial to properly educate clients on the process of working on a product from the outset. Knowing the consequences of making changes at different stages of the work is useful. The better we prepare for a project during the planning and conceptual stages, the easier it will be to provide an accurate quote and set achievable deadlines.

The importance of thoroughly vetting third-party technology contractors

If you are looking for a technology contractor you should pay attention to 5 key aspects that will help you make a good decision. By taking these simple actions, you can eliminate unsuitable candidates and narrow your choices to your top picks.

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Communication skills 

Good communication is essential to a successful project outcome. Even during the inquiry stage, you can begin to assess the quality of communication from a potential contractor. Pay attention to how the details of the cooperation are presented, as well as the speed at which the contractor responds to your messages. This initial interaction can give you an idea of whether the team is overburdened with work or if they can prioritize your project and give it the attention it deserves.


One of the basic steps you should take when looking for a technology contractor is to check their portfolio and previous projects. This allows you to assess the experience of your potential partner, and also gives you insight into their sense of aesthetics and whether they have implemented the functionality you require in the past. It's also a good idea to check out the contractor's website, as it serves as a showcase for their brand. By examining the design and functionality of their website, you can learn a lot about the quality of the digital products they create.

Reviews and testimonials

Another critical aspect of choosing the right technology contractor is to look for positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. To do so, you can visit the company's website, social media profiles, or third-party review sites (e.g. Clutch). It's also worthwhile to try and reach out to people who have used the contractor's services and inquire about their experiences. Even a brief message on Twitter could provide valuable social proof to help you make the right decision.

Well-structured development process 

Ensuring that the technology contractor you choose has a well-structured development process is another critical aspect to consider. It's important to check that the company has a clear and well-defined process that includes testing and quality assurance (QA) at each stage of the project. A structured approach will help to ensure that the code is of the highest quality, meets the project's requirements and specifications, and is delivered on time. By having a clear and efficient development process, the company can provide transparency and accountability throughout the project's lifecycle. This can help to avoid potential issues or misunderstandings, as well as streamline communication and increase the project's overall efficiency.

Modern technologies 

The final consideration when selecting a technology contractor may require a bit of IT knowledge, but it's worth consulting an independent expert to get a complete picture of the potential contractor. It's important to make sure that the contractor you choose uses modern technology and adheres to industry standards. With the technology landscape constantly evolving, it's crucial to work with a company that uses the latest tools and solutions. The contractor should have a solid understanding of current trends and best practices in the industry. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that the contractor adheres to industry standards and follows best practices for code quality, security, and scalability.

Bad IT contractors: Beware of these red flags

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While there are many good technology contractors out there, it's important to recognize potential red flags that should not be ignored. Many clients have come to us with negative experiences from the past, and they often point out common warning signs that should be noted. While some of these red flags may not be detectable during the initial preparation stage of the project, having awareness of them can help you better plan and mitigate potential issues that may arise. This knowledge will allow you to more accurately safeguard against any potential surprises and ultimately lead to a more successful project outcome.

No detailed project plans and timelines

A clear and detailed project plan is the foundation of a successful collaboration. It helps ensure that both the client and the contractor are on the same page in terms of expectations and timelines. If a contractor is unable or unwilling to provide a clear and detailed plan, it may indicate that it does not have a well-organized development process or is overloaded with other assignments.

Lack of communication or delayed responses

Let's say it one more time: good communication is essential. If you find that the technology contractor you are considering is unresponsive or takes a long time to reply to your messages, it could be a sign that they are not capable of giving your project the attention it deserves. This can lead to project delays, poor code quality, and a failure to meet your requirements.


It's important to be cautious about suspiciously low prices that are significantly lower than the other quotes you have received. When a contractor over-promises, it often leads to missed deadlines and can be an indication that they lack the experience or ability to deliver the project as intended.

Poor quality code

Code quality is critical to the long-term success of a project. However, verifying this red flag at the start of the collaboration is difficult. This is why it's crucial to review a contractor's past projects. Poor code quality may result in security vulnerabilities, bad performance, and scalability issues. Additionally, it could mean wasted time and resources on constant bug fixes. A lack of code quality is an indication that the contractor may not have the required knowledge, experience, or the appropriate number of competent programmers.

Hidden fees

It's important to be cautious of hidden fees or sudden changes in the project budget when preparing a detailed contract. Inaccuracies in this area can be a red flag, indicating that the contractor is not transparent about their pricing or that they may be trying to take advantage of the client. A good contractor should provide a clear explanation of any changes in the project budget and pricing, ensuring transparency and trust between both parties.

Get a free consultation at Primotly

Choosing the right technology contractor is crucial to the success of your IT project, but it can be challenging without industry experience. However, by following our tips, such as checking portfolios, looking for positive reviews, and watching out for red flags, you can increase your chances of finding the right partner. If you need more guidance, we offer a free consultation to help you define your project's needs, develop a plan, and accurately assess the budget and time required for implementation. Our team will guide you through the process and offer you a tailored proposal that incorporates the latest technological solutions. Share your ideas with us, and we will help you bring them to life in the best possible way.

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