Abstract background featuring technology-themed icons in a circular arrangement with a light gradient effect.
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[New article]

Fractional CTO Services: Expert Support Tailored to Your Company's Needs


Łukasz Kopaczewski

Chief Technology Officer

Tech-themed illustration with icons representing various technology and business areas in which Fractional CTO can help, arranged in a circular pattern on a light background.

Business | 26/07/2024

Fractional CTO Services: Expert Support Tailored to Your Company's Needs

Łukasz Kopaczewski

Can you benefit from the experience of an IT expert without hiring one full-time? Fractional CTOs offer a solution that provides you with a Chief Technology Officer to the extent you need them most. This is an excellent option, particularly for startups and medium-sized companies. In this article, we will explore the essence of the Fractional CTO role and discuss the benefits it can bring to your company. We will also learn about situations where the use of a CTO can be a key element in developing and accelerating technological progress in a company.

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Illustration to the article about AI transparency highlighting main pillars of transparent AI system.

Business | 17/07/2024

The Importance of AI Transparency

Bernhard Huber

From automating routine tasks to making complex decisions, AI systems are becoming integral to many organizations' daily operations. According to statistics general trust in AI is decreasing. As the adoption of AI continues to grow, so does the need for transparency which can improve how AI is seen.

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Preview image for the article about custom software solutions

Business | 11/07/2024

How Custom Software Supports Your Business?

Łukasz Kopaczewski

In many cases, off-the-shelf software cannot be adapted to the specific nature of a given industry or company's business profile. If none of the available solutions meet your expectations, it is worth considering dedicated software. What is it and what benefits can it offer for companies?

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Illustration highlighting the integration of ESG principles and AI technology, showcasing an AI chip and related elements

Business | 05/07/2024

From Algorithms to Ethics: Integrating AI into ESG Strategies

Bernhard Huber

As organizations increasingly turn to AI to drive efficiency and innovation, integrating ethical considerations into these advancements becomes paramount. This convergence of AI and ethical principles forms the bedrock of ESG strategies, ensuring that technological progress aligns with broader societal values.

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Tech debt preview illustration featuring coding and development tools - highlighting the concept of technological debt in software engineering

Development | 02/07/2024

How to Reduce Tech Debt?

Łukasz Kopaczewski

The word “debt” always has negative connotations—there are no exceptions in the tech world. Much like financial debt, technical debt accrues interest over time, manifesting in the form of increased complexity, decreased system performance, and impeded development speed.

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Conceptual graphic showcasing ethical AI practices and ESG standards, featuring AI circuit connections and human interactions.

Business | 28/06/2024

Best Practices for Ethical AI Implementation

Bernhard Huber

Only 2% of companies declare that they have implemented responsible AI across their organization, although 31% expect to do it in the next 18 months. Major industry leaders like Accenture or IBM have already incorporated responsible AI practices into their operations to reduce risks and gain trust.

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Tech debt preview illustration featuring coding and development tools - highlighting the concept of technological debt in software engineering

Development | 02/07/2024

How to Reduce Tech Debt?

Łukasz Kopaczewski

The word “debt” always has negative connotations—there are no exceptions in the tech world. Much like financial debt, technical debt accrues interest over time, manifesting in the form of increased complexity, decreased system performance, and impeded development speed.

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image showcasing a mobile app interface with red icons and buttons, representing the concept of microfrontends in the article 'Microfrontend: An Innovative Approach to Frontend

Development | 07/06/2024

Microfrontend: An Innovative Approach to Frontend

Bartosz Białecki

Imagine a large, intricate puzzle representing your entire web application. Each piece of the puzzle corresponds to a specific feature or functionality. Now, instead of assembling the entire puzzle in one go, picture breaking it down into smaller, manageable sections – these are your Microfrontends.

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Illustration of a team dealing with legacy code, featuring three people collaborating with gears and a rocket launching from a computer, symbolizing strategies for handling legacy code effectively.

Development | 24/05/2024

How to Work with Legacy Code? Strategies and Tips

Jakub Wachol

Many organizations run on software that was written in technologies that are obsolete or using approaches that are no longer used today. While these may seem like marginal situations, they happen quite often. It is in such cases that the problem of how to deal with legacy code arises.

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Ilustracja pokazująca ludzi współpracujących przy projekcie wykorzystujących Mobile-First Design.

Development | 27/10/2023

Mobile-First Design Strategies

Agata Pater

According to statistics, more than 56% of web traffic is coming from mobile devices. Even though this trend slowed down, it’s still over half of total traffic. Top tech companies noticed that their customers want to have a seamless experience while using their favorite apps and visiting websites. This was the birth of mobile-first design. How thinking about mobile devices can help your business? What are the good practices to implement in your project?

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Image showing different tools, concepts, and icons that are related to UX Designer work

Development | 12/10/2023

The UX Designer Toolbox

Agata Pater

Crafting intuitive and delightful interactions that resonate with users requires a skillful combination of creativity, empathy, and…the right set of tools.

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image for the article on how to become an UX designer

Development | 06/10/2023

How to Become a UX Designer? A Comprehensive Guide

Agata Pater

If you've ever found yourself captivated by the fluidity of a user-friendly app, marveled at a website's effortless navigation, or appreciated the logical arrangement of controls on a device, you've seen the power of good user experience in action. One of the tech jobs that are in demand now is UX Designer, who cares about how we interact with products and services.

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Tech-themed illustration with icons representing various technology and business areas in which Fractional CTO can help, arranged in a circular pattern on a light background.

Business | 26/07/2024

Fractional CTO Services: Expert Support Tailored to Your Company's Needs

Łukasz Kopaczewski

Can you benefit from the experience of an IT expert without hiring one full-time? Fractional CTOs offer a solution that provides you with a Chief Technology Officer to the extent you need them most. This is an excellent option, particularly for startups and medium-sized companies. In this article, we will explore the essence of the Fractional CTO role and discuss the benefits it can bring to your company. We will also learn about situations where the use of a CTO can be a key element in developing and accelerating technological progress in a company.

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Illustration to the article about AI transparency highlighting main pillars of transparent AI system.

Business | 17/07/2024

The Importance of AI Transparency

Bernhard Huber

From automating routine tasks to making complex decisions, AI systems are becoming integral to many organizations' daily operations. According to statistics general trust in AI is decreasing. As the adoption of AI continues to grow, so does the need for transparency which can improve how AI is seen.

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Preview image for the article about custom software solutions

Business | 11/07/2024

How Custom Software Supports Your Business?

Łukasz Kopaczewski

In many cases, off-the-shelf software cannot be adapted to the specific nature of a given industry or company's business profile. If none of the available solutions meet your expectations, it is worth considering dedicated software. What is it and what benefits can it offer for companies?

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Illustration highlighting the integration of ESG principles and AI technology, showcasing an AI chip and related elements

Business | 05/07/2024

From Algorithms to Ethics: Integrating AI into ESG Strategies

Bernhard Huber

As organizations increasingly turn to AI to drive efficiency and innovation, integrating ethical considerations into these advancements becomes paramount. This convergence of AI and ethical principles forms the bedrock of ESG strategies, ensuring that technological progress aligns with broader societal values.

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Conceptual graphic showcasing ethical AI practices and ESG standards, featuring AI circuit connections and human interactions.

Business | 28/06/2024

Best Practices for Ethical AI Implementation

Bernhard Huber

Only 2% of companies declare that they have implemented responsible AI across their organization, although 31% expect to do it in the next 18 months. Major industry leaders like Accenture or IBM have already incorporated responsible AI practices into their operations to reduce risks and gain trust.

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Illustration of a brain split into two halves, with one side showing neural structures and the other side representing circuitry, symbolizing the integration of artificial intelligence in understanding and mitigating AI bias.

Business | 14/06/2024

Understanding AI Bias and How to Mitigate It

Bernhard Huber

The term “bias” is often used in psychology and it means a tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone based rather on stereotypes and personal opinions than facts and knowledge.

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Creative representation of emotional intelligence in the workplace, depicting a light bulb filled with gears, connected by pathways in a pink themed background, illustrating the concept of innovative thinking and problem-solving

Innovations | 21/06/2024

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace - What Is It and How to Improve It?

Julia Zatorska

The work of a developer, while it may seem like a good career path for loners, is actually an occupation that requires strong teamwork skills. Receiving and giving feedback, resolving conflicts, reading the emotions of co-workers, being able to keep one's nerves in check when problems unexpectedly arise - these are all aspects that can and should be practiced to make our work (and personal) life more harmonious!

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Abstract Light Blue Image for Lean Canvas Article

Innovations | 29/09/2023

Unlocking Success: Lean Canvas Examples for Maximum Impact

Maciej Zatorski

In the world of startups and ventures, success is often attributed to a combination of insight, innovation, and the ability to make swift, informed decisions. The beating heart at the core of these processes? The Lean Canvas Model.

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Illustration of two people giving each other feedback with different emotions

Innovations | 25/08/2023

The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback: Fostering Growth and Collaboration

Julia Zatorska

Feedback isn't just a stuffy corporate ritual; it's a dynamic rhythm that fuels personal growth and teamwork. It can be like a compass guiding us towards our goals, helping us learn from our mistakes and incorporating constructive criticism to fine-tune our lives.

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Illustration of a person in a chevron-patterned teal shirt thinking with thought bubbles containing a light bulb and gears, symbolizing the ideation process in design thinking

Innovations | 18/08/2023

Enhancing User Experience: The Role of Design Thinking

Maciej Zatorski

Design thinking isn't just a buzzword; it's a powerful philosophy, an empathetic approach rooted in the understanding that at the heart of any technological advance, there's always a person who interacts with it. This human-centric framework equips us to dissect complex problems, challenge prevailing assumptions, and unearth novel strategies to create better UX.

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An illustration of a remote work setup, with a magnifying glass over an email icon, paperwork, and a plant, symbolizing a work-life balance and workation.

Innovations | 12/05/2023

Workation from a Psychological Perspective, Benefits and Drawbacks

Julia Zatorska

A workation is a term that combines work and vacation, referring to the practice of merging work and leisure activities to provide employees with the opportunity to unwind while maintaining productivity. Essentially, it involves working while on vacation. The concept gained popularity as remote work became more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Simple right? Chances are, that even if you don’t know what this terms mean, you’ve yourself went on a workation at some point in your life.

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A close-up of the Earth illustration from the previous image, surrounded by a dotted line and recycling symbol, with smaller icons for cloud services, computing, and recycling around it, focusing on sustainability in IT.

Innovations | 28/04/2023

How to be More Sustainable in the IT industry: Useful Tips

Maciej Zatorski

The climate crisis demands more than words—it needs action, particularly from the IT industry, a key player in global energy consumption. Our latest article offers a practical guide to sustainable practices in IT, categorized into six essential areas. Learn how technology can evolve to meet user demands while promoting a greener future. Find out how your tech initiatives can contribute meaningfully to environmental conservation. It's time for the IT sector to lead by example and make sustainability the core of innovation.

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