Abstract design symbolizing emotional intelligence in the workplace, featuring a brain shaped with mechanical gears and circular motion patterns, all in a soft red color scheme.
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[New article]

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace - What Is It and How to Improve It?


Julia Zatorska

Recruitment Specialist

Creative representation of emotional intelligence in the workplace, depicting a light bulb filled with gears, connected by pathways in a pink themed background, illustrating the concept of innovative thinking and problem-solving

Innovations | 21/06/2024

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace - What Is It and How to Improve It?

Julia Zatorska

The work of a developer, while it may seem like a good career path for loners, is actually an occupation that requires strong teamwork skills. Receiving and giving feedback, resolving conflicts, reading the emotions of co-workers, being able to keep one's nerves in check when problems unexpectedly arise - these are all aspects that can and should be practiced to make our work (and personal) life more harmonious!

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Illustration of a brain split into two halves, with one side showing neural structures and the other side representing circuitry, symbolizing the integration of artificial intelligence in understanding and mitigating AI bias.

Business | 14/06/2024

Understanding AI Bias and How to Mitigate It

Bernhard Huber

The term “bias” is often used in psychology and it means a tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone based rather on stereotypes and personal opinions than facts and knowledge.

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image showcasing a mobile app interface with red icons and buttons, representing the concept of microfrontends in the article 'Microfrontend: An Innovative Approach to Frontend

Development | 07/06/2024

Microfrontend: An Innovative Approach to Frontend

Bartosz Białecki

Imagine a large, intricate puzzle representing your entire web application. Each piece of the puzzle corresponds to a specific feature or functionality. Now, instead of assembling the entire puzzle in one go, picture breaking it down into smaller, manageable sections – these are your Microfrontends.

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Illustration of a fractional CTO working on a laptop with flowcharts and code screens, highlighting CTO as a service benefits

Business | 29/05/2024

Why Do You Need a Fractional CTO in Your Company?

Łukasz Kopaczewski

Businesses, regardless of their size, are increasingly relying on innovative technological solutions. In this context, the role of the CTO becomes not only important, but even essential for any organization that wants to grow, remain competitive and achieve long-term success. So let's take a look at the main reasons why the presence of a CTO can be a key factor in creating and strengthening technology strategy and achieving a company's business goals.

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Illustration of a team dealing with legacy code, featuring three people collaborating with gears and a rocket launching from a computer, symbolizing strategies for handling legacy code effectively.

Development | 24/05/2024

How to Work with Legacy Code? Strategies and Tips

Jakub Wachol

Many organizations run on software that was written in technologies that are obsolete or using approaches that are no longer used today. While these may seem like marginal situations, they happen quite often. It is in such cases that the problem of how to deal with legacy code arises.

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Illustration of a woman analyzing financial data with charts, coins, and arrows symbolizing the concept of Fixed Price contracts in technology.

Business | 15/05/2024

Fixed-Price Contract: Benefits for Your Company

Łukasz Kopaczewski

When looking for a Software House to cooperate with, you need to consider many factors. Some of the most important are the price of the services and the method of billing. The two most popular types of contracts are Fixed Price and Time and Material, although you may also encounter a mixed model. Today we will look at the Fixed Price model, which offers stability and predictability to clients.

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Abstract Image for the Article About Logs and Logging Methods

Development | 28/07/2023

Logs usefulness and logging methods in web application development

Tomasz Traczyk

A log is a record of what has happened in a computer system. Logs contain information such as data, time, and description of an event (including problems, errors). Keeping a log can be a great help when debugging, saving both time and effort looking for issues to fix.

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Abstract image illustrating Domain Driven Design in Symfony

Development | 19/07/2023

Advantages and Disadvantages of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Symfony

Paweł Urbańczyk

For those well-versed in software development, Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is likely a familiar concept. Over time, it has proven to be a reliable approach, expertly managing intricate systems by prioritizing the most critical aspect of the project - the underlying domains. Additionally, DDD effectively facilitates communication by creating a shared language between the technical team and business stakeholders.

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Illustration for article about iterations

Development | 07/07/2023

The Purpose of Iterations: Unveiling Their Essential Role

Maciej Zatorski

Imagine a chef crafting a mouthwatering dish, tirelessly perfecting it by refining a recipe. In the world of software development, a similar process unfolds, where iterations serve as the secret ingredient that brings remarkable results to the table. Just like a chef adds creativity and perfection to their recipe, iterations blend expertise and continuous improvement to transform ideas into exquisite digital products. Ever wondered about the essential purpose of iterations in achieving goals and solving problems? Join us as we uncover the significance behind iterative processes and explore how they pave the way for success in software development.

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 Image for the Tutorial on The File Watchers Tool

Development | 30/06/2023

The File Watchers Tool in PHPStorm: Tutorial

Paweł Turek

Once upon a time, in the vast universe of programming, repetitive tasks were a common source of headaches. Then, along came the "File Watchers" tool, built into the PHPStorm IDE. It swept onto the scene, promising a solution for those tiresome tasks that seemed to eat up so much of a developer's day.

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Abstract Image illustrating an article about think aloud protocol

Development | 23/06/2023

Unveiling Insights: Mastering the Think Aloud Protocol

Maciej Zatorski

Understanding user behavior and preferences is critical to creating exceptional digital products. One powerful technique that has gained prominence in recent years is the Think Aloud Protocol. By encouraging people to verbalize their thoughts and actions as they perform tasks, it provides invaluable insights into their cognitive processes and problem-solving strategies. Let's embark on this educational journey together and discover how thinking aloud can take your projects to new heights.

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Preview image for the article about Digital Transformation

Development | 09/06/2023

7 Inspiring Digital Transformation Examples: Success Stories

Maciej Zatorski

In today's technological landscape, digital transformation has become a critical aspect of business strategy. Embracing innovation and leveraging digital tools has the power to revolutionize operations, improve customer service and drive business growth. This article explores seven real-world examples of success stories that highlight the tremendous impact and benefits of digital transformation.

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Simplified isometric graphic of a tiered structure with paths leading to the top, representing the roadmap of product development for articles on building products.

Business | 24/03/2023

From Idea to Launch: How We Build Digital Products [PART 1]

Diana Kolopenyuk

Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of unclear communication and hidden fees when working with a software development company? Or perhaps you're a business owner seeking a reliable partner to create your first website, application, personalized CRM software, PWA, or e-commerce solution.

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Simplified version of a laboratory flask with blue and pink bubbles, set against a gradient background with circuit-like designs, suitable for a science or technology-themed article preview.

Business | 24/02/2023

How to Choose the Right Technology Contractor and Avoid the Bad Ones?

Diana Kolopenyuk

At times, we come across clients who have had less than satisfactory experiences with their third-party technology contractors. Understandably, not everyone may have prior experience in the IT industry, so confronting expectations with reality can bring all sorts of surprises. There can be various reasons for choosing the wrong partner. The purpose of this article is to facilitate the process of vetting third-party contractors and to assist in better communication and understanding of the essential elements involved in working on an IT project. We hope that this guide will aid you in finding the right software house that comprehends your requirements, and in preparing better for collaboration.

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A subtle, expansive background in a gradient of soft blue hues with a faint graphical line pattern evoking calmness and clarity, suitable for educational content or technical glossaries.

Business | 14/09/2022

Primotly's IT Glossary: All the Tech Terms You Should Know

Bernhard Huber

The IT world consists of dozens of acronyms, specialized terms, and slang expressions used by developers and teams working on digital products. That's why we've prepared a comprehensive glossary that will make developers, team members, young IT job seekers, and, most of all, customers to better understand each other.

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A stylized representation of 'extended possibilities' where the words are encased in a resizable dotted box with cursor icons, implying the ability to expand and scale, perfect for articles about expanding possibilities by extending your team.

Business | 29/06/2022

Beginners Guide to Integrate Extended Software Engineers with Your Product Team

Marek Krokwa

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering about the benefits of working with an extended software engineer. Or maybe developers from outside your organization will soon join your product team and you want to be well prepared for it? You've come to the right place!

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Abstract geometric background with cool tones and wireframe design representing technology and AI in the context of warehouse performance optimization.

Innovations | 06/12/2022

Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Warehouse Performance [Case Study]

Albert Jurkowski

Working in warehouses can be very demanding. High physical exertion, 3-shift work, and the risk of injury are just some of the drawbacks that employees complain about. One of our clients approached us with an idea to streamline warehouse processes and ease the burden on their team. Engaging a robot and artificial intelligence to do the work turned out to be exactly what they needed.

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Primotly's software development blog

Here, we share our insights and experiences on various topics related to software development, technology news & articles relating to our company.

Our blog is not only about software as it also covers everything from general discussions about software development to more specific topics like API platforms, React, and Symfony. We believe that sharing knowledge is essential for the growth of the software development community, and our goal is to provide useful and informative content that can help developers of all levels.