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Mobile-First Design Strategies


Agata Pater

Marketing Specialist

Ilustracja pokazująca ludzi współpracujących przy projekcie wykorzystujących Mobile-First Design.

Development | 27/10/2023

Mobile-First Design Strategies

Agata Pater

According to statistics, more than 56% of web traffic is coming from mobile devices. Even though this trend slowed down, it’s still over half of total traffic. Top tech companies noticed that their customers want to have a seamless experience while using their favorite apps and visiting websites. This was the birth of mobile-first design. How thinking about mobile devices can help your business? What are the good practices to implement in your project?

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A vivid illustration of a software development scene with two professionals collaborating on code, surrounded by the Symfony logo and digital motifs, perfect for the service side of a software house.

Business | 20/10/2023

What Is a Software House? The Opportunities of Working with a Software Company

Agata Pater

From custom software development to mobile app creation, from web design to cybersecurity solutions—software houses help thousands of companies build digital products that fuel their work. But what exactly is a software house? In this article, we will delve into the world of software houses, exploring their roles, services, and the essential collaboration between these entities and their clients.

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Image showing different tools, concepts, and icons that are related to UX Designer work

Development | 12/10/2023

The UX Designer Toolbox

Agata Pater

Crafting intuitive and delightful interactions that resonate with users requires a skillful combination of creativity, empathy, and…the right set of tools.

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image for the article on how to become an UX designer

Development | 06/10/2023

How to Become a UX Designer? A Comprehensive Guide

Agata Pater

If you've ever found yourself captivated by the fluidity of a user-friendly app, marveled at a website's effortless navigation, or appreciated the logical arrangement of controls on a device, you've seen the power of good user experience in action. One of the tech jobs that are in demand now is UX Designer, who cares about how we interact with products and services.

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Abstract Light Blue Image for Lean Canvas Article

Innovations | 29/09/2023

Unlocking Success: Lean Canvas Examples for Maximum Impact

Maciej Zatorski

In the world of startups and ventures, success is often attributed to a combination of insight, innovation, and the ability to make swift, informed decisions. The beating heart at the core of these processes? The Lean Canvas Model.

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Image picturing a woman thinking in front of different visualizations of interfaces

Development | 22/09/2023

From Concept to Interface: Role of a Digital Product Designer

Agata Pater

Let’s dive deeper and look closely at the person behind the design—Product Designer. Have you ever considered becoming a Digital Product Designer? Maybe you are wondering if you should hire one for your team? This article will help you to better understand this role in the process of making successful digital products.

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A concise preview graphic that summarizes essential software design principles, perfect for brief introductions in articles about software engineering.

Development | 26/05/2023

Key Software Design Principles

Maciej Zatorski

The term "design" in the realm of digital products is frequently associated with the visual layer of a project. However, today, we shift our attention to the “software design” and its fundamental principles that fuel successful software development. This cornerstone aids in the [crafting of functional, efficient, and adaptable digital products.](

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A vertical banner with minimalist design elements symbolizing software documentation, suitable for previewing articles about documentation practices in software development.

Development | 21/04/2023

Is Documentation Really Necessary in the Software Development Process?

Barbara Wojtczak

In the world of software development, documentation has always been a topic of debate. Some argue that it is essential for the development process, while others believe that it is a waste of time and resources. With the rise of agile methodologies, this debate has only become more intense. So, is documentation really necessary in the software development process?

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A minimalist representation of a staircase leading up to a cyclic process diagram, suitable for previews of articles discussing modern software development methodologies.

Development | 14/04/2023

Exploring Modern Software Development Methodologies

Barbara Wojtczak

Software development methodologies have come a long way since the early days of programming - to misquote the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus – “the only constant in the field of Software Development is change”. Today, software development is no longer just about coding, but it is also about designing, testing, deploying, and maintaining software products.

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A charming illustration of a cartoon spider standing on letter blocks spelling 'API', signifying approachable and fun API development and integration services.

Development | 03/03/2023

API Platform: How to Implement Custom Collection Data Providers with Filters?

Marek Krokwa

In most cases, when you are trying to filter data from your endpoint, default ApiPlatform filters are more than enough to cover all your needs. Sometimes though, additional actions are needed before your collection can be returned to the world.

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Vertical blue gradient banner featuring hexagonal shapes and lines, evoking the structure and connectivity of data in API serialization and deserialization processes.

Development | 17/02/2023

API Platform: Serialization & Deserialization

Paweł Turek

Serialization is the process of converting complex data structures into formats that can be easily transmitted and stored. Such as JSON-LD, which is the default file format, or XML, CSV and other universally accessible ones. The reverse process, in which the data structure is recreated from a serialized state is known as deserialization. Both of these processes are essential in facilitating communication between different services. So, how does this translate to using API Platform?

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Header image for full-stack development content, showcasing a central pyramid-like structure surrounded by floating spheres on a serene blue backdrop.

Development | 17/01/2023

Who is a Full-Stack developer? [meet the Primotly team #3]

Maciek Kemnitz

Hi, Primotly here! And this is the third part of our series of articles in which we present a behind-the-scenes glimpse of working in IT. Today you will meet Maciek. He will tell you about the work of a full-stack developer.

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Simplified isometric graphic of a tiered structure with paths leading to the top, representing the roadmap of product development for articles on building products.

Business | 24/03/2023

From Idea to Launch: How We Build Digital Products [PART 1]

Diana Kolopenyuk

Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of unclear communication and hidden fees when working with a software development company? Or perhaps you're a business owner seeking a reliable partner to create your first website, application, personalized CRM software, PWA, or e-commerce solution.

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Simplified version of a laboratory flask with blue and pink bubbles, set against a gradient background with circuit-like designs, suitable for a science or technology-themed article preview.

Business | 24/02/2023

How to Choose the Right Technology Contractor and Avoid the Bad Ones?

Diana Kolopenyuk

At times, we come across clients who have had less than satisfactory experiences with their third-party technology contractors. Understandably, not everyone may have prior experience in the IT industry, so confronting expectations with reality can bring all sorts of surprises. There can be various reasons for choosing the wrong partner. The purpose of this article is to facilitate the process of vetting third-party contractors and to assist in better communication and understanding of the essential elements involved in working on an IT project. We hope that this guide will aid you in finding the right software house that comprehends your requirements, and in preparing better for collaboration.

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A subtle, expansive background in a gradient of soft blue hues with a faint graphical line pattern evoking calmness and clarity, suitable for educational content or technical glossaries.

Business | 14/09/2022

Primotly's IT Glossary: All the Tech Terms You Should Know

Bernhard Huber

The IT world consists of dozens of acronyms, specialized terms, and slang expressions used by developers and teams working on digital products. That's why we've prepared a comprehensive glossary that will make developers, team members, young IT job seekers, and, most of all, customers to better understand each other.

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A stylized representation of 'extended possibilities' where the words are encased in a resizable dotted box with cursor icons, implying the ability to expand and scale, perfect for articles about expanding possibilities by extending your team.

Business | 29/06/2022

Beginners Guide to Integrate Extended Software Engineers with Your Product Team

Marek Krokwa

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering about the benefits of working with an extended software engineer. Or maybe developers from outside your organization will soon join your product team and you want to be well prepared for it? You've come to the right place!

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Abstract geometric background with cool tones and wireframe design representing technology and AI in the context of warehouse performance optimization.

Innovations | 06/12/2022

Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Warehouse Performance [Case Study]

Albert Jurkowski

Working in warehouses can be very demanding. High physical exertion, 3-shift work, and the risk of injury are just some of the drawbacks that employees complain about. One of our clients approached us with an idea to streamline warehouse processes and ease the burden on their team. Engaging a robot and artificial intelligence to do the work turned out to be exactly what they needed.

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Primotly's software development blog

Here, we share our insights and experiences on various topics related to software development, technology news & articles relating to our company.

Our blog is not only about software as it also covers everything from general discussions about software development to more specific topics like API platforms, React, and Symfony. We believe that sharing knowledge is essential for the growth of the software development community, and our goal is to provide useful and informative content that can help developers of all levels.